Thank you for stopping by "From Here to There...A Writer's Journey" to see my books in my readers' hands. I'm Casse NaRome, the writer. Here I will blog about my progress on my manuscripts and my novels that already available. I will also blog on the things that I find interesting and hilarious because I think you might too. I hope you stick around for the ride and share this Journey with me. Love, Casse xoxo!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pre New Years resolutions,

I only have one resolution this year.  I know it's a bit early but I am trying to be more organized this year...Okay not organized but a bit more prepared.  So I have thought about my new year wants early. 

I am going to be published.  Not this year exactly but one of my novels will be published.  That's it.  In order to acheive this goal I will finish at least 2 manuscripts.  Death Knows My Name is about 2 years old and it still needs the ending written.  I know how it ends I just need to write it so I will.  The Reborn needs a brainstorm plotting, and to be written so I will do that too in the new year.

Okay, 2011...I'm coming for you!  I am also going to email my CPs...its been too long and I MISS THEM and their writing!


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